
A.I. Ovod(1), K.V. Khorlyakov(1), I.G. Komissinskaya(1), M.D. Mukovnina(1) 1-Kursk State Medical University, 3, K. Marx St., Kursk 305041, Russian Federation; 2-N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University, 10, Studencheskaya St., Voronezh 394036, Russian Federation

Introduction. Drug therapy for pregnant women is often provided with medicines that are not a priority in determining the actual therapy and are also of unreasonable costs. Objective: to carry out a clinical and economic analysis of the drug care for pregnant women with genitourinary system diseases in order to assess the compliance of pharmacotherapy with the current requirements, as well as in terms of the rationality of the funds spent. Material and methods. Statistical form No. 32 «Information on medical care for pregnant, parturient, and puerperal women»; pregnant women’ medical records; treatment standards; data of the state medicines registry; and the 2017 thesaurus of drug synonyms were used. The investigation included clinical and economic (ABC and VEN) analysis and situational, logical, and marketing statistical studies. Results. The paper presents the results of clinical and economic analysis of drug therapy for pregnant women with genitourinary system diseases in inpatient settings. Conclusion. The investigation has revealed that it is necessary to optimize and rationalize costs for pharmacotherapy of this category of patients with regard to regulatory documents.

pregnant women
drug therapy
safety criteria
ABC analysis
VEN analysis
clinical and economic analysis
use rationality

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