DOI: https://doi.org/None

Professor V.N. Bubenchikova, PhD; E.A. Nikitin Kursk State Medical University; 3. K. Marx St., Kursk 305041, Russian Federation

Introduction. Natural polysaccharides have a varying pharmacological effect, thereby attracting the close attention of investigators. Harebell (Campanula rotundifolia) is widely used in folk medicine, but information about its carbohydrate composition is fragmented. Objective: to isolate and investigate polysaccharide complexes from the aerial parts of harebell. Material and methods. The investigation material was air-dry crushed harebell herb harvested during mass flowering in the Kursk Region in 2015. Gravimetric, densitometric, and paper and thin-layer chromatographic methods were used to analyze the polysaccharide composition of harebell herb. Results. A water-soluble polysaccharide complex (WSPC), pectiс substances (PS), and hemicelluloses A and B were isolated from the harebell herb. The investigation of these agents established their monosaccharide composition. Conclusion. Due to their high content of polysaccharides, the harebell herb is promising as a source of WSPC and PS.

Сampanula rotundifolia L.
polysaccharide complexes
monosaccharide composition

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