DOI: https://doi.org/None

S.V. Melnikov, PhD Saint Petersburg Chemopharmaceutical Academy; 14, Prof. Popov St., Saint Petersburg 197376, Russian Federation

Introduction. The pharmaceutical market is rapidly developing both in volume terms and in regulatory policy. In recent years, there have been considerable changes in the field of governmental measures aimed at regulating its development. Drug price regulation is one of the most difficult issues on the pharmaceutical market. Objective: to analyze the existing normative-legal documents regulating the maximum permissible allowances for medicines. Material and methods. Normative-legal documents of federal and regional importance were considered. Results. The normative-legal field for the regulation of prices for vital and essential medicines was analyzed. The main trends in the policy of regulatory drug pricing, current principles in its regulation, main shortcomings of the existing legal field, and possible ways of their solution were considered. Conclusion. The existing documents have a number of shortcomings that affect the practice of legal application of the established norms. Ways of their removal are proposed.

price regulation
legal field

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