Identification of representatives of the genus Persicaria Mill. according to morphological characteristics


A.A. Gudkova(1), A.S. Chistyakova(1), A.A. Sorokina(2), A.Yu. Kuznetsov(1), E.G. Khromykh(1) 1-Voronezh State University; 1, Universtitetskaya Sq., Voronezh 394018, Russian Federation; 2-I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University); 8, Trubetskaya St., Build. 2, Moscow 119048, Russia

Introduction. The genus Persicaria Mill. (or the genus Polygonum) of the buckwheat (Polygonaceae Juss.) family has a diverse intraspecific composition. Within the genus there were series: Amphibiae Kom., Hydropiperiformes Kom., Persicariaeformes Kom., and a number Lapathiiformes Worosch. The species lady's thumb (Polygonum persicaria) and water piper (Polygonum hydropiper) are permitted for medical use; other representatives are not subject to procurement, but because of their morphological similarity they are mistakenly harvested along with the official ones. Objective: to conduct an in-depth study and to systematize the morphological signs allowing the most reliably identify the representatives of the genus Persicaria Mill. Material and methods. The objects of this investigation were the herb of 11 species of the genus Polygonum, which belong to different varieties. Stereomicroscopic examination of raw materials was carried out with a Biomed 6.0 microscope (Russia) with a magnification of ×40, ×100, and ×400, equipped with a Livenchuk digital video camera and Top View software. Results. The main stereomicroscopic features of the genus Persicaria Mill were studied. The main identification characteristics were identified and visualized. The most striking features determining the identity of objects were the presence and structure of trichomes on the ochrea and lamina, as well as an excretory apparatus. Conclusion. The findings may be used for the rapid identification of plant raw materials by morphological and diagnostic features, in order to maximally eliminate errors during harvest both when procuring the materials and when working out modern regulatory documentation for standardization and quality assessment of this type of raw material for rapid identification of plant raw materials by morphological and diagnostic features, as in the preparation, to eliminate errors in the collection, and in the development of modern regulatory documentation for standardization and quality assessment of this type of raw material.

the buckwheat (Polygonaceae Juss.) family

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