Glembotskaya Galina Tikhonovna

Academic degree

    PhD in the specialty of Drug technology and organization of pharmacy - 15.00.01 (“Organization of pharmacy” - 14.04.03)

Academic rank

    Professor, Department of Pharmacy Organization and Economy, Department of Education, Institute of Pharmacy and Translational Medicine, Multidisciplinary Center of Clinical and Medical Research, International School of Personalized and Translational Medicine, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University Sechenov University)

Research interests
  • To study management systems and processes in the circulation of medicines
  • To develop and implement the principles for the management of general and specialized pharmaceutical care for the population
  • To estimate the organizational and marketing potential of the subjects of the pharmaceutical market
  • To develop the bases of a methodology for innovational and strategic management and marketing, as applied to the activities of pharmacies and pharmaceutical enterprises
  • To modernize higher pharmaceutical education

Hirsch number
    Russian Science Citation Index, 6

  • About 300 publications in Russian and foreign periodicals;
  • 5 monographs;
  • 1 textbook;
  • 3 manuals with the Teaching Union’s stamp

Additionally about herself
    She has trained scientists (11 candidates of science and 1 doctor of science in pharmacy) who succeed in leading positions in a number of universities and pharmaceutical organizations in the Russian Federation and foreign countries (Vietnam, Norway, Armenia)
    She has been awarded the Veteran of Labor medal, the Excellent Worker of Public Health badge medal, and the Honorary Diploma of the Rector and included in the Book of Honor of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
    In 2017 she has won the national award Honored Worker of Higher School
