
E.V. Konopleva Saint Petersburg Chemopharmaceutical University; 14, Prof. Popov St., Saint Petersburg 197376, Russian Federation

The choice of a treatment method for menopausal syndrome (MS) is always individual. If it is impossible to use hormonal drugs or the patient does not want to take them, the physician has a wide range of non-hormonal drugs for the correction of the manifestations of MS. It is most difficult to select effective non-hormonal agents for women with previous hormonal therapy, severe concomitant somatic pathology, and a long duration of MS. Bioregulatory therapy for MS is based on the activation of the body’s own reserves. The combined bioregulatory drug Traumeel S affects the inflammatory process, by involving different mechanisms, including tissue regeneration. The bioregulatory drug Klimakt-Heel contributes to the safe and effective prevention of the manifestations of menopausal disorders, estrogen-deficiency states and ensures the correction of the negative manifestations of menstrual dysregulation. The nature of autonomic disorders in MS can vary considerably in severity – from minor emotional autonomic disorders to severe psychoautonomic crises occurring as frank panic attacks. The use of the bioregulatory medications Traumeel S and Klimakt-Heel" in women with MS complicated by severe psychoautonomic crises (panic attacks) can be a worthy choice in terms of the validity of the optimal treatment regimen. The use of bioregulatory drugs does not rule out treatment with other drugs.

menopausal syndrome
bioregulatory drugs
activation of the body’s protective forces

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