
E.S. Novik, PhD; A.V. Dorenskaya, PhD; N.A. Borisova; O.V. Gunar, PhD Research Center for Examination of Medical Products, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; 8, Petrovsky Boulevard, Build. 2, Moscow 127051, Russian Federation

Particle shape and size determine most of the technological characteristics of medicinal substances, such as flowability, compressibility, static characteristic, solubility, and reactivity. For objective characteristics of the properties of a substance, it is advisable to determine the shape of particles, by using a microscopic method with automated image analysis. The paper considers quantitative parameters for describing the particle shape (elongation, convexity, and roundness) and gives their values for particles of different shapes. It analyzes data on the impact of particle shape on the results of determining their sizes, by employing the electrosensitive area method and laser diffraction. It is noted that there is a need to investigate the properties of particles of dispersion materials (including pharmaceutical substances) to identify the specific features of the impact of these properties on the quality of a final product and its components, as well as on the regularities of technological processes.

medicinal substances
particle shape
methods of analysis

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