
Professor I.M. Razdorskaya, PhD Kursk State Medical University; 3, Karl Marx St., Kursk 305041

Introduction. The paper considers the consumer behavior of pharmacy customers of today, which is changing due to an imbalance between the status of the customer base of the pharmacy system and the existing methods of counselling clients. It shows that it is necessary to focus on different consumer segments, each of which requires the specific client-focused technologies that contribute to the transformation of consumer behavior from standard to individual one answering the status and promote mentality, financial capacity, information literacy, and typology of the buyer. Objective: to design conditions for transforming the consumer behavior through innovative client-focused technologies. Material and methods. The investigation used a systemic approach and a process approach and functional and logical modeling techniques. Results. The main determinants of a current visitor management system were identified; measures were worked out to optimize the business process «JSC visitor management”. The task orientation of the activity of a pharmaceutical worker was presented to change the consumer behavior of a customer. The investigators developed the structure of information and communication technologies, their functions, in particular to make contact and to remove communication barriers and patient disagreement about treatment. Conclusion. Consumer behavior can be transformed when an innovative consumer management system is developed. The paper shows the applied importance of the zero moment of truth (ZMOT)) when selling medicines and parapharmaceutical products at pharmacies, as well as the stages of its formation.

visitor management
consumer behavior

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