DOI: https://doi.org/None

L.F. Zheznyakovskaya, PhD; A.A. Kubasova; Professor L.B. Okonenko, PhD Yaroslavl Mudryi Novgorod State University; 41, Bolshaya Sankt-Peterburgskaya St., Veliky Novgorod

A dry extract was prepared from brier (Rosa) petals. 1% hydrochloric acid and 20, 40, and 70% ethanol were used as extractants. The extracts were produced by remaceration and percolation at room temperature and 40°C; in the latter case, the yield of anthocyanins was maximal. Quantification of anthocyanins revealed that 70% ethanol was the optimal extractant to prepare a dry anthocyanin-containing extract from brier petals and percolation was the optimal method of extraction. The dry extract was standardized from the level of anthocyanins by spectrophotometry at a wavelength of 510 nm; that of heavy metals, and moisture. Sodium hydrochloride, 2% lead acetate, and hydrochloric acid were used to carry out identity tests. The dry anthocyanin-containing extract from rose cinnamomea (Rosa majalis) was proposed to prepare its formulations as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and visual apparatus-protective agent in the treatment of diseases of various etiologies and as an adjunct in antitumor therapy.

dry extract
Rosa majalis L.
rose cinnamomea

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