DOI: https://doi.org/None

Professor N.F. Farashchuk, MD; Yu.P. Koryakina, PhD Smolensk State Medical Academy; 28, Krupskaya St., Smolensk 214019

A substantial proportion of antibiotics are manufactured as parenteral dosage forms. Their bioavailability is not being investigated in this situation. Quality is most relevant for generic drugs, particularly when there is no certainty that the good manufacturing practice (GMP) standards are followed during their producton. Comparative investigations of original and generic antibiotics have revealed that the latter frequently contain foreign impurities as insoluble particles and degradation products of the active ingredient and that there are differences in its content, and other violations. To take economic advantage of the generics, there is a need for an effective system for their quality control, as well as the introduction of GMP standards from a manufacturing process to ready-made products. It is shown that it is necessary to develop own manufacture of substances, to set up a uniform database that is accessible to physicians on original and generic antibiotics and their biological and therapeutic equivalence.


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