
N.S. Teryoshina, PhD; Yu.V. Tsukanov, PhD; Professor I.A. Samylina, PhD I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University; 8, Trubetskaya St., Build. 2, Moscow 119991

An animal raw material derived from different animal types, both tissues from healthy animals and a sick tissue material or a disease product to obtain nosodes accounts for about 30% in the nomenclature of substances for homeopathic remedies. The paper considers problems when keeping in mind the initial state of an animal and the technology for preparation of the substances, which is responsible for possible differences in their chemical composition and therapeutic effect. The impact of polyethism and polymorphism on possible differences in the chemical composition is considered using aphids and bees as an example. Requirements for preparation of raw material and for processing of organs and tissues from warm-blooded animals are given. The animal raw material should provide the following information: identification of an animal material source (a domestic or wild animal); a used organ or its part; an anatomical and histological description; identity and purity tests; moisture content; levels of toxic components, if applicable; tests to exclude a risk for transmission of spongiform encephalopathy; and a place where a homeopathic substance has been obtained. Basic conditions for deriving organ preparations from the organs and tissues of higher animals and requirements for a raw material are given. Homeopathic animal substances may be matrix tinctures (alcohol- and glycerol-based ones), triturations or waste products.

homeopathic remedies
animal raw material
normative documentation

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