DOI: https://doi.org/None

O.V. Gunar, PhD; I.A. Builova Research Center for Examination of Medical Products, Ministry of Health of Russia; 6, Shchukinskaya St., Build. 1, Moscow 123182

Whether the number of samples of homeopathic matrix tinctures for microbiological analysis might be reduced during their examination and quality control and a testing scheme was developed and tried out using 25 samples of homeopathic matrix tinctures as an example. Investigations were conducted using the test microorganisms recommended by the State Pharmacopoeia of Russia. To optimize the number of samples for the analysis during qualitative and quantitative isolation of microorganisms, trypticase-soy broth was used as a solvent (a diluent) and for microbial accumulation. It was shown that the microbiological purity of homeopathic matrix tinctures might be analyzed with 3 ml of a sample.

homeopathic matrix tinctures
quality control
microbiological purity

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