
N.G. Selezenev (1), PhD; O.G. Potanina (2), PhD; G.N. Selezenev (1) 1 -Acad. I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University; 9, Vysokovoltnaya St., Ryazan 390026, Russian Federation 2 -Multiple-Access Center (Research and Education Center), Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia; 6, Miklukho-Maklay St., Moscow 117198, Russian Federation

Introduction. Combination herbal medicinal products are widely used to treat urinary tract diseases. The authors have designed and investigated a urological combination herbal medicinal product containing bearberry (Arctostaphylos) leaves, beggarticks (Bidens) herb, and birch (Betula) buds. The designed product exerts antiseptic and diuretic effects. Objective. To perform a morphological and anatomical study of a urological combination herbal medicinal product in order to reveal its diagnostic signs. Material and methods. Pharmacopoeial procedures were used to investigate the external signs of an experimental product sample and to reveal its diagnostic signs. The finished products were examined under a MBI-3 microscope; photographs were employed to record the results. Results. The external signs of the ground urological combination herbal medicinal product were described. The anatomical structure of ground bearberry leaves, beggarticks herb, and birch buds was characterized. The diagnostic signs of the product were revealed and visualized. Conclusion. The results of the investigation will be helpful in the analysis of the identity of the urological combination herbal medicinal product and in the development of a normative document.

urological combination herbal medicinal product
bearberry (Arctostaphylos) leaves
beggarticks (Bidens) herb
birch (Betula) buds
anatomical structure
diagnostic signs

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