
A.V. Shchulkin, MD; I.V. Chernykh, PhD; N.M. Popova, MD; E.N. Yakusheva, MD Acad. I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University; 9, Vysokovoltnaya St., Ryazan 390026, Russian Federation

The paper considers the legal aspects of preclinical studies of the specific activity of drugs of natural origin and their toxicological studies in the Russian Federation, as well as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidelines for the registration of herbal medicines. It characterizes rules for registering dietary supplements in the Russian Federation. The problems of drug-drug interaction involving herbal agents and those of standardization of drugs of natural origin on the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation are given.

medicinal plant drug
registration of herbal medicines
study of the specific activity of herbal medicines
toxicological studies of herbal medicines
dietary supplements

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