
D.O. Bokov; Professor I.A. Samylina, PhD I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University; 8, Trubetskaya St., Build. 2, Moscow 119991, Russian Federation

The paper considers the variants of thin layer chromatography (TLC) of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids that are a part of metabolome of 2 snowdrop species. It presents the component composition of mobile phases, the type of a sorbent as a stationary phase, and techniques for detecting the adsorption zones. Chloroform is the major component in the mobile phase used for TLC analysis of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids. TLC is shown to allow the identification of a mixture of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids, including galantamine and lycorine, and the use for standardization of raw homeopathic medicinal plant materials, homeopathic matrix tinctures of two snowdrop species.

Amaryllidaceae alkaloids
thin layer chromatography

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