Cytostatic drugs effect on hemopoiesis of outbred mice


O.I. Avdeeva, M.N. Makarova, V.G. Makarov NGO «Dom Farmacii»; 3, Zavodskaya St., App. 245, Kuzmolovskii, Vsevolozhskii region, Leningradskaya oblast, Saint Petersburg 188663, Russian Federation

Introduction. Preclinical studies of cytostatics include a bone marrow smear, reflecting the qualitative and quantitative composition of the nucleated cells of myeloid tissue (myelogram). To a certain extent, the state of the bone marrow can be predicted by the hematological analysis of peripheral blood of laboratory animals. Objective: assessment of the feasibility of studying the state of laboratory animals’ bone marrow using the example of 14-day administration effect of cytostatics on the cellularity of peripheral blood and bone marrow of outbred mice. Materials and methods. The objects of study are cytostatics of 3 groups: alkylating compounds of platinum (cisplatin and carboplatin), antimetabolites (methotrexate and cytarabine), and preparations of plant origin (paclitaxel and etoposide). Outbred mice served as biological test system. The study was carried out in accordance with the principles of GLP and the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals. Results. An assessment was made of the feasibility of studying the bone marrow state of laboratory animals using the example of the effect of 14-day parenteral administration 3 groups of cytostatic (alkyl platinum compounds, antimetabolites and herbal preparations) in the dose of LD10 on the cellularity of peripheral blood and bone marrow of outbred mice. It was established that the presence of significant changes in the clinical analysis of peripheral blood is a sufficient basis for the analysis of myelograms. When conducting such studies, it is advisable to use animals of both sexes, because of the effect of cytostatics on hematopoiesis, differences in the sensitivity of animals by gender are observed. Conclusion. Analysis of the composition of the bone marrow significantly expands the idea of medicinal substances effect on hemopoiesis, but its implementation must be dictated by considerations of expediency, in particular, significant changes in the clinical analysis of peripheral blood.

bone marrow
preclinical studies
outbred mice

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