The methodological basis for developing and implementing a pharmacoprophylactic component of specialized pharmaceutical care in occupational diseases


A.G. Petrov(1), V.A. Semenikhin(1), G.T. Glembotskaya(2), O.V. Khoroshilova(1) 1-Kemerovo State Medical University, 16a, Oktyabrsky Prospect, Kemerovo 650066, Russian Federation; 2-I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Trubetskaya str., build. 8, Moscow, 119991, Russia

Introduction. In modern conditions, the prevention of occupational diseases comes to the fore when developing effective models to improve specialized pharmaceutical care for the able-bodied population. The established negative changes in the professional health of coal mining workers in Russia confirm the scientific and practical significance and relevance of solving the denoted problem. In many respects, this problem is historically due to methodological errors in the creation and rather long-term functioning of an ineffective model of a professional health protection system aimed at developing a predominantly medical area, which has led to an imbalance between treatment and prevention of diseases. Objective: to form the structural elements of a procedure for the development and implementation of a pharmacoprophylactic component of specialized pharmaceutical care in occupational diseases. Materials and methods. Pharmacoprophylactic drugs for prevention and treatment were chosen on the basis of expert opinions. Expert evaluations were carried out using scores and a ranking method. The main principle in choosing a pharmacoprophylactic drug was its pharmacotherapeutic rationality. The direct assessment method was used, which was a procedure for assigning numerical values to the objects under study in the interval scale. Results. Pharmacoprophylactic agents were chosen to use for coal mining workers in order to prevent the most common occupational diseases (chronic sensorineural deafness, pneumatic hammer disease, and respiratory diseases). Their cost per patient per year was calculated. Conclusion. The working population can be provided with pharmacoprophylactic drugs within the framework of the current concept of specialized pharmaceutical assistance to coal mining workers when structurally and functionally modifying the pharmacies in order to emphasize their preventive role. The requirements are defined for the medicines used for pharmacoprophylaxis of the considered occupational diseases.

occupational diseases
pharmaceutical prophylaxis
pharmacoprophylactic drugs

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