Development of technology and procedures for analysis of rectal suppositories with phytoconstituents


A.Yu. Saenko(1), E.F. Stepanova(1), D.S. Lazaryan(1), A.Yu. Petrov(2), I.Ya. Kul(1), O.N. Denisenko(1) 1-Pyatigorsk Medical Pharmaceutical Institute, Branch, Volgograd State Medical University, 11, Kalinin Pr., Pyatigorsk 357532, Russian Federation; -2Ural State Medical Academy; 3, Repin St., Yekaterinburg 620028, Russian Federation

Introduction. In recent years, suppositories have become increasingly important in medical practice. A special place is occupied by suppositories used in pediatric and geriatric practice, as well as in the long-term treatment of chronic diseases. In these cases, suppositories containing biologically active substances (BAS) of plant origin are of particular importance. Objective: to develop technology for suppositories with the phytoconstituents: rotocan and alcohol extract from bay laurel (Laurus nobilis) leaves. Material and methods. The investigation used aminocaproic acid, rotocan, bay laurel leaves, as well as techniques, such as spectrophotometry, alkalimetry, thin-layer chromatography, statistical processing of experimental results. Results. A technology was developed to prepare alcoholic extract from the leaves of bay laurel and its based suppositories. A technology was proposed to manufacture suppositories containing aminocaproic acid and rotocan. Conclusion. A technology was developed to prepare suppositories with alcohol extract from bay laurel leaves, as well as those with rotocan and aminocaproic acid. Procedures were proposed for their analysis. The designed medicines were standardized; their shelf-lives were established.

thin layer chromatography
bay laurel
aminocaproic acid

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