Improving methodology approaches of pharmacists training in modern conditions


E.V. Sergunova, N.V. Bobkova, I.A. Samylina
First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Trubetskaya street, 8–2, Moscow, 119992, Russian Federation

Introduction. Acute intestinal infections (AII) remain the most common diseases in pediatric patients. The analysis of scientific literature has shown that pharmacotherapy of these diseases in pediatric patients requires an integrated approach and the appointment of drugs of different groups. Therefore, it is important to study the rationality of drug therapy for pediatric patients with AII in a hospital setting. Objective: evaluation of the pharmacotherapy rationality for pediatric patients with AII and development of optimal procurement lists. Material and methods: official sources of information about medicines, orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, statistical collections, clinical records of pediatric patients with AII (400). Methods: logical, systematic, grouping, statistical, clinical and economic methods. Results. The results of the analysis of the therapy of pediatric patients with AII are presented. In particular, the range of drugs prescribed in inpatient conditions is determined. Combining the results of ABC-, XYZ- and VEN-methods of assortment analysis, as well as comparing the results of therapy with approved drug lists, allowed to select of the most important drugs for the procurement lists formation. Conclusion. Procurement lists have been developed, including 28 international generic names assigned to various priority groups. The choice of priority positions in the range of purchases makes it possible to acquire the most necessary and important drugs, depending on the volume of financing, and to predict stocks in risk conditions.

medicinal herbal preparations
professional competencies

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