Evaluation of plant extract stress-protective activity

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25419218-2023-04-03

E.V. Ferubko(1), T.D. Dargaeva(1), T.D. Rendyuk(2)
1-All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Grina str., 7/2, Moscow, 117216, Russian Federation;
2-Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, (Sechenov University), Trubetskaya str., 8/2, Mosсow, 119991, Russian Federation

Introduction. One of the most important tasks of medical science at the present stage is the development and introduction of new effective medicines intended for the prevention and treatment of socially significant diseases of the digestive organs, including stomach ulcer. Given the polyvalence of the etiology of gastric ulcer, a possible approach to pharmacotherapy of this disease may be the use of multicomponent plant compositions. Objective: study of stress-protective activity of a multicomponent extract under immobilized stress model conditions in laboratory animals. Material and methods. Acute toxicity of the developed plant extract was studied according to the Kerber method. Stress-protective activity was studied with 7-day administration of the extract at an experimental therapeutic dose of 150 mg/kg against the background of an experimental model of immobilized stress in rats. For this purpose, stress reaction parameters were determined: spleen and thymus involution, number of lesions in gastric mucosa with Pauls index count. Activity of antioxidant system and intensity of free radical oxidation processes by catalase activity and content of malonic dialdehyde were determined in blood serum. Results. The obtained data indicate the presence of a reliably pronounced stress-protective effect in the studied extract during its course administration to rats due to the obstacle to the development of signs of the Selje triad. Also, the extract has a reliably pronounced antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing effect. Conclusion. Multicomponent plant extract when administered in course in experimental therapeutic dose against background of immobilized stress in rats shows pronounced stress-protective effect, has antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing effect. The developed extract is a promising object for creating a new effective drug for use in complex therapy in patients with gastric ulcer.

peptic ulcer
plant extract
immobilized stress
stress-protective activity.

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