
L.B. Vaskova(1), T.V. Denisova(1), E.A. Maksimkina(1), M.V. Tiapkina(1), D.S. Dvoryak(2), V.P. Dukhovich(1) 1-I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University); 8, Trubetskaya St., Build. 2, Moscow 119048, Russian Federation 2-LDT «Pharmaceutical Research Associates CIS»; 5, Yauzskaya St., Moscow 109028, Russian Federation

Introduction. The problem of rational use of funds at all levels of medical care, including in the hospital sector, is very relevant. The prevalence of schizophrenia is up to 1% among the general population. The cost of treating schizophrenia in Russian Federation can reach 40% of the budget allocated for the treatment of mental illness. Reducing the economic burden can be achieved by optimizing the budget allocated to mental health services, namely due to the redistribution of funds within the hospital allowing to choose drugs with proven economic efficiency. Objective – comparative analysis of the consumption of antipsychotic drugs (APD) used to treat schizophrenia in the hospital. Material and methods. The study was conducted using the WHO ATC/DDD methodology by analyzing the copied of data from patient records (PR) of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia in 2012 (227 PR) and 2015 (198 PR). Results. During the study period, total consumption of APD decreased by 20%, while the consumption of atypical APD did not change, and the consumption of typical APD and APD of prolonged action decreased by ⅓, which may indicate a gradual replacement of typical APD with new generation drugs. Conclusion. In the studied hospital, the consumption of atypical APD remained at the same level. Some redistribution of consumption within this group was noted, consumption of typical APD and APD of prolonged action decreased by ⅓

ATC/DDD WHO methodology

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