Development of composition and technology of granules with dry extracts of corn silk and roots of achyranthes bidentata


Nguyen Thi Ngan, M.G. Ozhigova , I.E. Kaukhova, V.A. Weinstein St-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University; 14, Prof. Popov St., St. Petersburg, 197376, Russian Federation

Introduction. Researching new effective drugs and developing the dosage forms based on medicinal plants are the most important achievements of modern pharmacy. Drying extracts of corn silk (DECS), roots of Achyranthesbidentata (DEAB) and the substance of Rutin are the perspective sources to get phytopreparations. Aim.To develop the composition and technology of granules with dry extracts and rutin. This research will be suitable for making solid gelatin capsule dosage form recommended to be used as potassium-sparing diuretics Materials and methods. The research subjects are dry extracts of CS, AB andRutin.Excipients used in the granulation process are Lactose (anhydrous), magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate, corn starch and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC 101). Technology properties and quality of granules were evaluated according to the methods described in the Russian State Pharmacopoeia (RSP). Results and discussion. Analyzing the technology properties of the DECS and DEAB showed that all of them were unsatisfactory. Therefore, to combine them in a single dosage form, granulation needs to be used, and the excipients were selected. This selection allowed obtaining a flowability mass with homogeneous fractional composition. Many different compositions of DECS: DEAB: Rutin (1: 3: 1) and excipients were evaluated.The technology properties of the granules were studied to discover the optimal composition and technology which were selected for drug production. Choosing size of solid gelatin capsules for encapsulating. Based on the values of bulk density of granules and reasonable therapeutic dosage, capsules N0 00 were selected for packing. Conclusion. The composition and technology of granules with dry extracts and rutin, satisfied technological characteristics. They can be used to produce a solid gelatin capsule dosage form. The selected size of solid gelatin capsules to meet production conditions is № 00.

corn stigmas
bicuspid straw roots
dry extract
technological properties

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