Drugs in the treatment of telogen hair loss

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25419218-2019-05-03

I.M. Korsunskaya(1, 2), O.O. Melnichenko(1, 2) 1-Center for Theoretical Problems of Physicochemical Pharmacology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 4, Kosygin St., Moscow 119991, Russian Federation; 2-Moscow Research and Practical Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia, 20, Seleznevskaya St., Moscow 127473, Russian Federation

Telogen hair loss is a common type of alopecia. It is characterized by a sudden onset and can occur in both women and men at any age. Factors that can provoke both acute and chronic telogen hair loss, as well as drugs used in its therapy are considered. Exogenous (drugs and various chemicals) and endogenous (infectious diseases) intoxications play a substantial role in the development of this disease. Drug therapy for telogen hair shedding is based on the correction of nutrient, vitamin, and mineral deficiencies. The vitamin and mineral complexes prescribed should contain protein, essential fatty acids, zinc, selenium, copper, vitamin C, biotin, vitamins B, L-cysteine, if necessary, iron, copper, and folic acid. The patients with telogen hair loss may have a favorable prognosis when the causal factors are eliminated.

telogen hair loss
vitamin and mineral complex

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