The study of the nootropic activity of a complex pharmaceutical substance of plant origin based on ginkgo biloba, hawthorn, valerian, melissa, motherwort tinctures


A.I. Ovod, E.Yu. Kuznetsova
Kursk State Medical University; Karl Marx st., 3, Kursk, 305041, Russian Federation

Introduction. According to WHO, about 78 million children are born annually in the world with pathology of the central nervous system, which manifests itself in the first years of life with a delay in psycho-speech and motor development, up to dementia, which makes the development and study of nootropic remedies with a sedative effect relevant. Objective: to study the nootropic activity of the complex pharmaceutical substance of plant origin (CPSPO) based on ginkgo biloba, hawthorn, valerian, melissa, motherwort tinctures. Material and methods. The study of the nootropic activity of the CPSPO was carried out by the effect on learning in the method of a conditioned reflex with positive reinforcement, using a Y-shaped maze. Results. The data obtained indicate the presence of a reliable nootropic activity in the tested CPSPO, which is comparable to the reference preparation. Conclusion. The studied CPSPO based on ginkgo biloba, hawthorn, valerian, melissa, motherwort tinctures has a significant nootropic activity compared to the reference preparation.

complex complex pharmaceutical substance of plant origin

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