
Robbert van Haselen International Institute for Integrated Medicine (INTMEDI), Kingston, United Kingdom

Introduction. Vertigoheel is multicomponent homeopathically produced medication that used for the bioregulatorytherapy of dizziness of various origins, including dizziness associated with motion sickness. Objective: to review the scientific literature on the efficiency of using Vertigoheel to treat dizziness. Material and methods. The available data on Vertigoheelwere analyzed using an integrative approach, i.e. mixed methods. The analysis includedboth the determination of the level of evidence, by applying a hierarchical grading system, and the assessment of the data by non-hierarchicalmethods. Results. Eleven works, including 1 review, 2clinical trials, 7 observationalstudies, and one basic researchstudies were analyzed. Conclusion. Studies on Vertigoheel comprise are a multifaceted and diverse evidence-base that increases every year. The integrative approach isof value in the context of individualized medical care.

bioregulatory therapy
integrative approach
evidence base

  1. Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine 2011 Levels of Evidence. CEBM Web site. Published 2011. Accessed February 22, 2017.
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  3. Schneider B, Klein P, Weiser M. Treatment of vertigo with a homeopathic complex remedy compared with usual treatments: a meta-analysis of clinical trials. Arzneimittelforschung. 2005; 55 (1):23-29. DOI:10.1055/s-0031-1296821.
  4. Weiser M., Strosser W., Klein P. Homeopathic vs conventional treatment of vertigo: a randomized double-blind controlled clinical study. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1998; 124 (8): 879–85.
  5. Issing W., Klein P., Weiser M. The homeopathic preparation Vertigoheel versus Ginkgo biloba in the treatment of vertigo in an elderly population: a double-blinded, randomized, controlled clinical trial. J Altern Complement Med. 2005; 11 (1):155–60. DOI:10.1089/acm.2005.11.155.
  6. Wolschner U., Strösser W., Weiser M., Klein P. Behandlung des Schwindels mit einem modernen Homöopathikum: Ergebnisse einer referenzkontrollierten Kohortenstudie. Biol Med. 2001; 30 (4):184–90.
  7. Strösser W., Weiser M. Behandlung von nichtvestibulärem Schwindel mit einem modernen Homöopathikum. Biol Med. 2002; 31 (1):4–9.
  8. Rabe A., Klein P., Weiser W. Behandlung von kreislaufbedingtem Schwindel: Vergleich des Komplexmittelhomöopathikums Vertigoheel mit Dimenhydrinat (Subauswertung). Biol Med. 2003; 32 (4):176–8.
  9. Seeger-Schellerhoff E., Corgiolu M. Effectiveness and tolerability of the homeopathic treatment Vertigoheel for the treatment of vertigo in hypertensive subjects in general clinical practice. Eur J Integr Med. 2009; 1 (4): 231.
  10. Sedláček P., Růžička S. The role of Vertigoheel as an adjuvant treatment in patients with transient ischemic attacks: An observational study. J Biomed Ther. 2011; 5 (2): 30–1.
  11. Weiser M., Strösser W. Vergleichsstudie Homöopathikum vs. Betahistin: Behandlung des Schwindels. Allgemeinarzt. 2000; 22 (13): 962–4.
  12. Klopp R., Niemer W., Weiser M. Microcirculatory effects of a homeopathic preparation in patients with mild vertigo: an intravital microscopic study. Microvasc Res. 2005; 69 (1–2): 10–6. DOI:10.1016/j.mvr.2004.11.005.
  13. Heinle H., Tober C., Zhang D., Jäggi R., Kuebler W.M. The low-dose combination preparation Vertigoheel activates cyclic nucleotide pathways and stimulates vasorelaxation. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2010; 46 (1): 23–35. DOI:10.3233/CH-2010-1330.