
T.A. Pozdnyakova(1); R.A. Bubenchikov(2); Yu.A. Kondratova(2) 1-I.S. Turgenev Orel State University; 95, Komsomolskaya St., Orel 302026, Russian Federation 2-Kursk State Medical University; 3, Karl Marx St., Kursk 305041, Russia

Introduction. Russian milk vetch (Astragalus dasyanthus Pall.) is used as a sedative and antihypertensive agent in folk and scientific medicine. The plant has a complex chemical composition and exhibits various pharmacological activities. The current pharmacopoeial article on the herb Russian milk vetch contains no data on the microdiagnostic signs of its raw material. Objective: to conduct an in-depth study of the morphological and anatomical diagnostic signs of Russian milk vetch in compliance with the current requirements of normative documents. Material and methods. The investigation was concerned with Russian milk vetch harvested during its mass flowering in the Kursk Region in 2016-2017. The raw material was macro- and microscopically analyzed in accordance with the requirements of the 13th edition of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation. Conclusion. The investigation has established that Russian milk vetch has macro- and microdiagnostic signs that allow one to diagnose its raw material

Russian milk vetch (Astragalus dasyanthus Pall.)
macroscopic analysis
microscopic analysis
diagnostic signs

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