
D.A. Trashchenkova, T.Yu. Kovaleva, I.A. Samylina I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University); 2, Bolshaya Pirogovskaya St., Build. 4, Moscow 119991, Russian Federation

Introduction. To expand the range of anxiolytic drugs is a crucial task of modern pharmacy. Medical plant remedies, in particular herbal teas, have a number of advantages, the main thing of which is safety. The Sechenov University jointly with the E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology and Regenerative Medicine has designed and patented herbal tea that has an anxiolytic effect. The composition of biologically active compounds in the herbal tea has been insufficiently studied. Objective: to estimate the content of polysaccharides in the anxiolytic herbal tea and its components. Material and methods. The procedure laid down in the Pharmacopeia was used to prepare a laboratory herbal tea sample from medicinal plant raw material that had been stored in the Moscow and Tula Regions and that complied with the regulatory requirements. The content of polysaccharides was determined gravimetrically by the procedure described in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, 13th Edition, adapted to the objects of the investigation. Results. The content of polysaccharides in individual components of the herbal tea ranged from 3.45% to 6.29%. Their maximum amount (6.29%) was in the Bergenia leaves. Meadowsweet herb and bilberry (Vaccinium) shoots contained a close amount of polysaccharides (4.01 and 3.45%, respectively). The content of polysaccharides was 3.03% in the anxiolytic herbal tea. Conclusion. The gravimetric method was used to provide the quantitative characteristics of the level of polysaccharides in the herb of honeysweet (Filipendia ulmaria), the shoots of common bilberry, the green leaves of leather bergenia (Bergenia crassifolia), and the herbal tea having an anxiolytic effect. Each component was established to make a contribution to the content of polysaccharides in the herbal tea.

anxiolytic herbal tea
honeysweet (Filipendia ulmaria) herb
green leaves of leather bergenia (Bergenia crassifolia)
common bilberry shoots

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