
L.G. Babeshina (1), PhD; N.V. Kelus (2), PhD; A.A. Kuznetsov (3) 1-State Humanitarian Technology University; 22, Zelenaya St., Orekhovo-Zhuevo, Moscow Region 142611, Russian Federation; 2-Siberian State Medical University; 2, Moskovsky Road, T-omsk 634050, Russian Federation; 3Tomsk State University; 36, Lenin Prospect, Tomsk 634050, Russian Federation

Introduction. Enterosorbents are widely used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Peat dusts are a promising source for the design of drugs of this group. Objective: to investigate the sorption activity by peat dusts and to justify their sorption mechanism. Material and methods. The investigation object was samples of 27 turfgrass species from 8 sections. The sorption activity was determined from the sorption of a cationic dye (methylene blue) by a spectrophotometric method using a SF-2000 spectrophotometer. The anatomical and morphological structure of the samples was examined using a Quanta 200 3D scanning electron microscope and a Philips SEM 515 scanning electron microscope. Results. Peat dusts showed absortion activity of cationic substances. Their sorption space was represented by macropores. The highest sorption activity of methylene blue was observed for Sphagnum girgensohnii (458.4 mg/g), and the lowest one was seen for Sphagnum contortum (159.1 mg/g). The increase in the dispersion of peat dusts from 10 to 0.1 mm was accompanied by a rise in their sorption activity. One of the mechanisms of sorption by or peat dusts is physical sorption (adsorption and absorption). Conclusion. The results of investigating the sorption activity by peat dusts show the promise for the design and application of sorbents from peat dusts.

peat dusts
turf powder
sorption activity

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