
Professor G.T. Glembotskaya, PhD; Professor S.A. Krivosheev, PhD; T.V. Denisova, PhD; L.A. Zvereva; A.V. Bakharеva I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University; 4, Trubetskaya St., Build. 2, Moscow 119991, Russian Federation

Introduction. Manufacturers do not seek to intensively make drugs for children. Almost any fairly common disease in a child is treated with drugs intended for an adult, but in a smaller dose, which often results in ineffective therapy and pathology. Objective: to analyze the current state of provision of children with drugs in Moscow. Material and methods. The objective of the investigation was the recipe of children's medicines from 3 Moscow pharmacies and the legislative and normative-and-legal documents regulating the provision of pharmaceutical care in pediatrics. Its methods involved content analysis and sociological, graphical, economic, and statistical studies. Results. The paper provides the results of an analysis of the current situation with regard to the recipe of extemporaneous drugs for children in the Moscow pharmacies and those of a structural analysis of a range of commercial medicines for them in the Russian Federation. Conclusion. The key obstacles to providing the required quality and safety of drug therapy in children in view of their age were identified and structured.

pharmacy preparation of dosage forms
medicines for children
range of medicines

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