
O.N. Shmendel (1); D.L. Prokusheva (1), PhD; D.V. Domrachev (2); V.V. Velichko (1), PhD 1-Novosibirsk State Medical University; 52, Krasnyi Prospect, Novosibirsk 630090, Russian Federation; 2-N.N. Vorozhtsov Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences; 9, Academician Lavrentyev St., Novosibirsk 630090, Russian Federation

Introduction. Under market economy conditions, the quality of medicinal plant raw materials (MPRMs) is often reduced because of a desire to increase profits. Therefore, the analysis of MPRM on the pharmaceutical market becomes very relevant. Whether MPRMs are compliant with all regulatory requirements is also very important. Objective: to analyze the commercial samples of marsh tea (Ledum palustre) shoots for their compliance with the requirements of normative documentation (ND) Material and methods. The objects of the investigation included commercial samples of the raw materials of marsh tea shoots from 8 manufactures, which had been purchased in the pharmacies and phytocenters of Novosibirsk. The raw materials were examined using a pharmacognostic analysis; the composition of essential oil was investigated by chromatography-mass spectrometry. Results. The identity of the raw materials was confirmed for all samples. The samples of raw materials from 3 manufacturers were noted to be inconsistent with their labeling. The raw material samples that did not meet regulatory requirements for some indicators were found. The qualitative analysis of essential oil of marsh tea revealed that all the samples contained that of p-cymol, palustrol, ledol, viridiflorol, β-oplopenone, cyclooxygenase, and 3,10-epoxy-germacr-4(14)-en-8-one. The predominant components of the essential oil of marsh tea shoots were palustrol, ledol, p-cymol, and cyclocolorenon. Conclusion. Analysis of 8 commercial samples of march tea shoots from different manufacturers has revealed that only one sample (series 010115; ZAO «ST-Mediafarm», Moscow) is compliant with all the requirements of ND. There is evidence on the component composition of the essential oil of marsh tea and on the content of basic substances.

marsh tea
Ledum palustre L.
raw material standardization
essential oil

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