
Professor I.E. Kaukhova, PhD; R.K. Agbadi; Professor S.A. Minina, PhD; A.U. Kutlushina Saint Petersburg State Chemopharmaceutical Academy; 14, Prof. Popov St., Saint Petersburg 197376, Russian Federation

Introduction. Morinda citrifolia or noni is a popular source for preparing traditional medicines in Pacific Islands. The main biologically active ingredients of Morinda citrifolia are phenolic and terpenoid compounds, organic acids, and alkaloids. Material and methods. The object of the investigation included dried leaves, fruits and roots of Morinda citrifolia, which had been gathered in Ghana. The biologically active substances of the studied raw materials were identified and their quality was assessed according to the standard pharmacopoeial methods described in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, XI and XIII editions). Results and conclusion. The content of basic groups of biologically active substances was phytochemically estimated. Alkaloids were found in the roots, leaves, and fruits. Anthraquinones were detected in the roots only. Tannic acids were found in the roots and leaves. The presence of flavonoids in all plant organs was confirmed, but most of them were in the roots. The merchandising and technological parameters of the analyzed herbal substances Morinda citrifolia fruit, leaves, and roots were established.

Morinda citrifolia L.
product analysis
phytochemical analysis

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