
E.E. Chupandina, PhD; M.S. Kurolap, PhD; N.A. Ternovaya Voronezh State University; 1, Universitetskaya Sq., Voronezh 394006, Russian Federation

Introduction. The increased role of the subjects of the Russian Federation in developing the health system requires the economic estimate and scientific analysis of the regional factors influencing the consumption of drugs. To analyze regional morbidity and factors that influence its growth is Step 1 in order to construct a model of rational drug provision for the population of specific territories. Objective: to investigate the specific features of morbidity in the Voronezh Region and to identify the factors that influence its growth. Material and methods. The investigation used the statistical data of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service and the Voronezh Statistics Department and the materials of the Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Voronezh Region. Correlation analysis, ranging, comparative analysis, and mapping were applied. Results. The structure of morbidity was identified by the classes of diseases; the regional districts were ranked according to morbidity rates; the human health risk index was calculated. Morbidity trends were studied by 3 classes of diseases: those of the respiratory, circulatory, and urogenital systems. The factors having the greatest impact on the consumption of drugs were identified. Conclusion. The findings show that regional account is needed when forecasting the region’s drug demand and supply and when working out complex programs for rational drug provision for the population in separate territories with high morbidity rates.

drug provision for the population
correlation analysis

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