DOI: https://doi.org/None

D.K. Gulyaev, PhD; Professor V.D. Belonogova, PhD; I.P. Rudakova, MD Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy; 2, Polevaya St., Perm 614990, Russian Federation

Introduction. Most works on the utilization of logging by-products are devoted to the study of the chemical composition of wood green stuff and conifer needles. The water-soluble polysaccharide complex (WSPC) from whitewood (Picea abies) greens and strobiles has anti-inflammatory activity. Siberian spruce (Picea obovate) roots that are also logging waste have been inadequately investigated from this point of view. Objective: to obtain a polysaccharide complex from spruce roots and to determine its pharmacological activity. Material and methods. Siberian spruce roots were harvested in the Ilyinsk District, Perm Territory, in the places of spruce felling in August 2016. WSPC was extracted according to the polysaccharide extracting method described by N.K. Kochetkov. The composition of monosaccharides was determined by paper chromatography. The acute toxicity of WSPC (determination of a median lethal dose) was analyzed using albino mice by the rapid method developed by V.V. Prozorovsky. The anti-inflammatory activity of WSPC from Siberian spruce roots was established by its ability to inhibit an increase in an inflammatory response in rats receiving 0.1 ml of 1% aqueous carrageenin solution. The antipyretic properties of WSPC from Siberian spruce roots were assessed by its ability to exert a hypothermic effect in rats with fever. Results. WSPC from Siberian spruce roots consists of arabinose and galactose residues. The isolated WSPC refers to the class of lowly toxic substances and inhibits the inflammatory response in rats by 57.7%, which exceeds the activity of the comparison drug nimesulide (by 48.7%) and significantly reduces body temperature in the laboratory animals. Conclusion. The findings shows promise for further investigations of WSPC from spruce roots and for design of its based drugs

Siberian spruce
Piceaobovata Ledeb.
composition of monosaccharides
anti-inflammatory activity
antipyretic effect

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