
R.I. Yagudina, PhD; I.A. Komarov I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University; 8, Trubetskaya St., Build. 2, Moscow 119991

Bipolar affective disorders (BADs) manifest themselves in about 2 per 100 people in the population. These are chronic, deconditioning diseases characterized by maniac, depressive, and mixed episodes that are frequently accompanied by behavioral, cognitive, and perceptual impairments. Moreover, BADs belong to a group of diseases that have a significant impact on the patients’ quality of life, suggesting the need to provide effective drug care for this contingent of patients. Within the scope of this investigation, the authors made a multifaceted analysis of the volumes and trends of drug use to treat BADs, by thoroughly studying these indicators for a new group of atypical antipsychotics (AAs) having high efficacy. They explored a trend in drug consumption for the treatment of BADs in terms of money and quantities for the period 2009-2013; a trend in drug usage for the treatment of BADs by pharmaceutical market sectors in terms of money and quantities; the tops of international nonproprietary names and trade names of drugs for the treatment in terms of money and quantities in different sectors of the pharmaceutical market.

drug provision
bipolar affective disorders
drug therapy
drug usage

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