
N.V. Chukreeva, PhD; Professor E.A. Maksimkina, PhD I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University; 8, Trubetskaya St., Moscow 119991

The functioning of the pharmaceutical industry of the Russian Federation as a national structural component of the global pharmaceutical product movement network requires the introduction of an innovative quality management paradigm that is in the holistic view of all business processes in the supply chains. The definition of quality management system, which is proposed by the European Union guidelines on good wholesale distribution practice (GDP) of drugs, has been analyzed. The key structural elements of the quality management system for organizations in the drug movement network have been identified. The role of an authorized person responsible for quality, who is an ideologist of an internal corporate normative approach to the quality and processes accomplishing with medicinal products, has been substantiated. The results of a sociological survey of Russian pharmaceutical workers trained according to the advanced professional programs at the Sechenov Moscow State Medical University are given. It is concluded that a large number of pharmaceutical chemists realize the main pharmaceutical mission of the goods movement network in maintaining the constancy of drug quality on the way from manufacturer to patient. The authors have revealed that the need for standardizing the processes via standard operating procedures as a primary corporate standard for internal normative management reserves is of paramount importance.

goods movement network
quality management
business processes
standard operating procedures
pharmaceutical workers
corporate normative reserves

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