DOI: https://doi.org/None

A.P. Astashkina, PhD; O.I. Pugacheva; Professor V.K. Shormanov, PhD; M.K. Elizarova, PhD; M.A. Ostanin Kursk State Medical University; 3, K. Marx St., Kursk 305041

The authors investigated the specific features of the distribution of hydroxybenzene and 4-methoxyhydroxybenzene in warm-blooded omnivorous animals (rats) when the triple lethal doses of the toxic substances were intragastrically administered. Acetone was used to isolate hydroxybenzene and 4-methoxyhydroxybenzene from the viscera and blood of the animals. The extracts were purified in a column packed with silica gel L 40/100 μm (hexane/ diethyl ether (6:4) as an eluent). Thin layer chromatography, liquid chromatography-mass spectrophotometry, and ultraviolet spectrophotometry were used for the identification and assay of the substances in question. Hydroxybenzene and 4-methoxyhydroxybenzene were ascertained to be detected unchanged in significant amounts in the viscera and blood of the poisoned animals; hydroxybenzene (mg/100 g) being prevalent in the stomach, small bowel, spleen, and heart; 4-methoxyhydroxybenzene in the stomach, spleen, small bowel, and liver.

chemical and toxicological analysis

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