
E.G. Kogan (1), A.N. Kiseleva (1), PhD; E.M. Elagina (2), PhD 1 -Smolensk State Medical University; 28, Krupskaya St., Smolensk 214019, Russian Federation 2 -Smolensk State University; 4, Przhevalsky St., Smolensk 214000, Russian Federation

Background. Tea sweetvetch (Hedysarum theinum) root extract is used in prostatic inflammation, acute and chronic nephrological and neurological diseases. The tonic property of this plant is due to the high content of phenolic compounds in its roots. Objective: to conduct an anatomic study and to detect diagnostic signs in the structure of a shrubby sweetvetch (Hedysarum fruticosum Pall) leaf. Material and methods. Dried shrubby sweetvetch leaves gathered in the area of Yuzhnyi Lager (Southern Camp) near Ulan-Ude were the subject of the investigation. The study used a microscopic analysis of the raw plant material regulated by the current normative documentation using an Altami BIO 6 microscope with x4, x10, and x40 objective lens and x20 ocular lens. Photomicrography was carried out using an UCMOS05100KPA digital ocular camera. Results. The investigation provided a detailed anatomical characterization of an individual leaf and the rachis of a compound leaf of shrubby sweetvetch. The structure of the epidermis and mesophyll of a leaf, absorbing hairs conducting rib tissues was characterized. Conclusion. The diagnostic features of the anatomical structure of a shrubby sweetvetch leaf were revealed; these were the hypodermis and pigmented cells in the leaf hypodermis and mesophyll. The findings will be able to determine this species of sweetvetch when stocking a raw alpine sweetvetch (Hedysarum alpinum) material.

shrubby sweetvetch (Hedysarum fruticosum Pall)
anatomical structure

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