DOI: https://doi.org/None

Professor Yu.V. Miroshnichenko (1), PhD; Professor E.I. Sakanyan (2), PhD; V.N. Kononov (1), PhD; A.B. Perfilyev (1), PhD 1 -S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy; 6, Academician Lebedev St., Saint Petersburg 194044; Russian Federation; 2 -Center for Pharmacopoeia and International Cooperation, Research Center for Examination of Medical Products, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 8, Petrovsky Boulevard, Moscow 127051, Russian Federation

In Russia, publications that systematized a range of health care drugs for soldiers and contained a detailed description of their properties appeared during the epoch of Peter the Great. The extension of knowledge about the natural resources of the country, the development of science and practice, and the setting up of a network of military hospitals became a powerful boost for Russian military pharmacopoeias. A key role in their development was played by the scientists and specialists of the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy and the military pharmacopoeias themselves made a weighty contribution to the medical provision of the Army and Navy and favored not only the development, but also legislative consolidation of scientific achievements and practical experience in different fields of knowledge.

military pharmacopoeia
Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy
medical provision of the Army (Forces)
pharmacopoeial article

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