DOI: https://doi.org/None

P.E. Khudenko; N.S. Tereshina, PhD; S.L. Morokhina, PhD I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University; 8, Trubetskaya St., Build. 2, Moscow 199991, Russian Federation

Introduction. Ground burnut (Tribulus terrestris) herb is used to manufacture antisclerotic drugs for homeopathic and folk medicine. It contains steroid saponins and flavonoids. Investigations of the chemical composition of raw medical plant materials are needed to improve the standardization of raw materials and preparations of ground burnut. Objective. To conduct an in-depth study of the composition of flavonoids in ground burnut herb. Material and methods. The study was concerned with the dried ground burnut herb stored in Crimea in 2015. Raw material flavonoids were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a Waters Acquity chromatograph with tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) detector (Waters). Results and discussion. The isolation and identification of flavonoids in the ground burnut herb were investigated. HPLC-MC established that the latter contained rutin, kaempferol-3-rutinoside, rhamnetin-3-rutinoside, isorhamnetin-3-rutinoside, tamaraxetin-3-rutinoside, and azaleatin-3-rutinoside. Conclusion. The composition of flavonoids in the ground burnut herb was specified. Six compounds were identified.

ground burnut (Tribulus terrestris L.)
high performance liquid chromatography

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