
L.L. Kvachakhia, PhD; Professor V.K. Shormanov, PhD; G.S. Meshcheryakova Kursk State Medical University; 3, K. Marx St., Kursk 305041, Russian Federation

Introduction. Nimodipine, an L-type selective calcium channel blocker, is commonly used in medical practice. It is quite toxic to warm-blooded animals and human beings. Cases of fatal poisoning caused by nimodipine make it the subject of a forensic chemical examination. Objective: to devise a procedure for the identification and quantification of nimodipine in biological material. Material and methods. Model mixtures of nimodipine and liver tissue were prepared for the investigation. A preliminary analysis was carried out chromatographically using Sorbfil PTCC-AF-B-UF plates in the hexane–acetone (7:3) system. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and UV spectrophotometry were employed for confirming identification and quantification. Results. The optimal isolating agent and conditions for infusing a biological object with an extractant were established. The chromatographic characteristics of nimodipine were studied. The optimal conditions for its quantification were found. The proposed procedure can determine as high as 85.46% of nifedipine in the liver, with the reproducibility and accuracy being sufficient for biological tests. Conclusion. A procedure has been devised to identify and quantify nimodipine in the extracts from autopsy material, by applying thin layer chromatography, chromatographic-mass spectrometry, and UV spectrophotometry.

biological material
UV spectrophotometry

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