Analysis of antihyperglycemic drug prescriptions for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Arkhangelsk Region


T.S. Orlova(1), O.V. Buyuklinskaya(1), E.E. Loskutova(2), I.V. Boiko(1), A.N. Plakuev(1) 1-North State Medical University, 51, Troitsky Prospect, Arkhangelsk 163000, Russian Federation; 2-Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 6, Miklukho-Maklai St., Moscow 117198, Russian Federation

Introduction. In modern society, the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM-2) has reached pandemic levels. In 2017, a total of 425 million diabetic patients were registered; 90% of them were diagnosed with DM-2. Therefore, it is very relevant to analyze drug prescriptions for these patients and the possibility of their optimization for correcting the glycemic profile of patients with this disease. Objective: to analyze the prescriptions of antihyperglycemic agents used in the treatment of DM-2 at the regional level (in case of the Arkhangelsk Region) in conformity of drug prescriptions to the standard and algorithm for providing medical care to these patients. Material and methods. The investigation was performed using data from the federal registry of patients with diabetes mellitus. A sample included data on 16,218 patients aged 30 to 70 years who lived in the Arkhangelsk Region and were diagnosed with DM-2. Results. An analysis of the Federal Register data showed that DM-2 was twice more common in females than in males. There was a dramatic increase in the number of DM-2 patients over the age of 60 years. Conclusion. Evaluation of drug prescriptions revealed that monotherapy with antihyperglycemic drugs of the biguanide group was most commonly used.

type 2 diabetes mellitus
gender distribution
age composition
pharmacoepidemiological analysis
antihyperglycemic drugs
combined therapy

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