Anatomical and diagnostic markers for determining the identity of the representatives of the series Persicariae formes Kom. and Lapathii formes Worosch. of the family Polygonaceae lindl


A.A. Gudkova(1); A.S. Chistyakova(1), A.A. Sorokina(1), O.N. Shchepilova(1), I.M. Korenskaya(1), A.I. Slivkin(1) 1-Voronezh State University; 1, Universtitetskaya Sq., Voronezh 394006, Russian Federation; 2-I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University); 8, Trubetskaya St., Build. 2, Moscow 119048, Russian Federation

Introduction. All varieties of knotweeds (Polyginum) vary in stem sizes, growth patterns, leaf shape, sizes, and indumentum characters, and perianth colors. But these characteristics are subjective and, when procuring the officinal variety of lady’s thumb (Polygonum persicaria), the latter is often found to contain foreign representatives of the series Lapathii formes Worosch. Objective: to identify markers in the anatomical structure of knotweeds, allowing the most reliable identification of the representatives of the genera Polygonum L. and Persicaria Mill. Material and methods. The objects were dried aboveground portions of Polygonum lapathifolium, Polygonum scabrum, Persicaria nodosa, Polygonum brittinger, and Polygonum tomentosum, which were harvested during the 2016–2017 flowering season. Their raw materials were microscopically examined in accordance with procedures described in the 14 edition of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, using a Biomed 6.0 microscope with a magnification of ×40, ×100, ×400, equipped with a Livenchuk digital video camera and Top View software. Results. The investigators revealed the microdiagnostic markers of the anatomical structure, which made it possible to identify with high reliability the representatives of the series Lapathii formes Worosch., such as the presence, size, and structure of trichomes, as well as the excretory apparatus (glandules and conceptacles). Conclusion. The findings may be used to compile a universal anatomical key determinant that enables one to solve the problem of identification of the varieties of the family Polygonaceae Lindl.

Persicariae formes
Lapathii formes
varieties of Persicaria Mill.
anatomical markers

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