Human mucosal immunity proteins recognizing glycoconjugates: the lectin systems of the probiotic biotope compartment in the body’s mucosal open cavities


M.V. Lakhtin, V.M. Lakhtin, V.A. Aleshkin, S.S. Afanasyev G.N. Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, 10, Admiral Makarov St., Moscow 127051, Russian Federation

By using probiotic bacterial strains and their consortium as an example, the authors assessed the prospects of the lectin systems of probiotic microorganisms of human biotope microbiocenosis. Probiotic lectins are considered as acellular imitators of probiotics that function as basic supporting coordinated systemic metabolome biotics with network-in-interactive networking and network-on-networking activities of opportunistic pathogens, carriers, messengers, dosers, and dispensers of glycoconjugate metabiotics (including substituents and antagonists of patterns of opportunistic pathogens), prebiotics, medicaments, antigens, sets of surface cellular and extracellular matrix decors for support of normally functioning inter-niche communications and landscapes in the human mucosal cavity (directed against infections and tumors). The probiotic lectins interacting with synthetic glycoconjugate imitators of the body’s important (including key) compounds show promise in screening and selecting symbiotic and probiotic strains and their consortia to design multi-strain tissue/organ-dependent/biotope pro/sym/synbiotics. The proposed anaerobic (containing no oxidoreductase systems) antistress, synergistic lectin preparations are promising as multifunctional auxiliary systems in protecting the body in the anaerobic biotope compartments and during stress therapy.

lectin systems
mucosal organ
mucosal immunity
yeast-like fungi
gram-positive bacteria

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