Some aspects of the cerebroprotective effects of extracts from the herb of representatives of the genus Prunella


A.A. Shamilov(1), D.I. Pozdnyakov(1), V.N. Bubenchikova(2), M.V. Chernikov(1), E.R. Garsia(1), 1-Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute, Branch, Volgograd State Medical University, 11, Kalinin Pr., Pyatigorsk 357532, Russian Federation; 2-Kursk State Medical University; 3, K. Marx St., Kursk 305041, Russian Federation

Introduction. Cerebral protection mediated by the administration of herbal agents is a promising approach to the adjuvant therapy of ischemic stroke. The genus Prunella L. (self-heal) has 15 species that are characterized by a broad spectrum of pharmacological activity. Objective: to experimentally evaluate the cerebroprotective effect of extracts from the herb of three self-heal species. Material and methods. The investigation objects were aqueous and aqueous-alcoholic extracts from the herb of big-flowered self-heal (Prunella grandiflora), cut-leaved self-heal (Prunella laciniata), and common self-heal (Prunella vulgaris) gathered in the North Caucasus. Their cerebroprotective effect was evaluated on a rat model of permanent focal ischemia, by determining changes in the rate of cerebral blood flow, in the size of a brain necrotic area, and in the serum concentration of lactic acid. Results. The use of dry residues obtained with 70% and 40% ethyl alcohol from the herb of big-flowered, cut-leaved, and common self-heals assisted in decreasing serum lactate levels in the animals, restoring cerebral blood flow rate, and reducing the cerebral necrotic area to a comparable extent with the standardized extract of ginkgo biloba (EGB 671). Conclusion. Further investigations of extracts from the herb of three self-heal species were shown to be promising in identifying the possible mechanisms of cerebroprotective action.

cerebral ischemia
cerebroprotective effect
big-flowered self-heal (Prunella grandiflora L.)
cut-leaved self-heal (Prunella laciniata L.)
and common self-heal (Prunella vulgaris L.)

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