An investigation of the anatomical structure of silverweed (Potentilla anserina) herb


E.E. Savelyeva(1), E.Z. Lapkina(1), N.A. Bulgakova(1), T.A. Barankina(1, 2), A.M. Kucherenko(1), 1Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, 1, Partisan Zheleznyak St., Krasnoyarsk 660022, Russian Federation; 2Federal Siberian Research and Clinical Center, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia, 26, Kolomenskaya St., Krasnoyarsk 660037, Russian Federation

Introduction. Silverweed (Potentilla anserina) is found in the temperate zone around the globe, is widely distributed in Russia, contains a diverse complex of biologically active substances, such as flavonoids, tannins, triterpene saponins, and polysaccharides, and is of interest as a promising source of medicines. One of the most important stages of the design of new medicines is the development of parameters for the standardization of medicinal plant raw materials, including the investigation of anatomical and diagnostic features. It is proposed to use silverweed herb as medicinal plant raw material. Objective: to investigate the anatomical and diagnostic signs of silverweed herb. Material and methods. Silverweed herb was used for microscopic examination. Microscopic slides were prepared according to the requirements of the 14th edition of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation. Investigations were conducted using a Micromed-2 var. 3–20 microscope. Photo fixing was performed using a Levenhuk M500 Base digital camera and Levenhuk Lite software. Results. The investigators identified the anatomical and diagnostic signs of the silverweed leaf: its epidermal cell shape; rounded stomata of the anomocytic type; simple and capitate hairs; and large druses in the leaf mesophyll. The conducting system of the petiole was found to be represented by 3–5 bicollateral conducting bundles of different sizes, of which there was the largest central conducting bundle. The structure of the silverweed flower was characterized by papillate epidermal cells and mesophyll chromatoplasts of the petal, simple hairs of the floral thalamus; oval, rounded and rounded-triangular rough pollen. The epidermal cells of the calyx lobe have a stomatal apparatus of the anomocytic type, two hair types (capitate and simple), and large druses in the mesophyll. Conclusion. The investigators have studied the anatomical structure of silverweed (leaf, petiole, and flower) and revealed the anatomical and diagnostic features that can be used to identify raw silverweed material.

Potentilla anserina L
microscopic analysis
diagnostic signs

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