The morphological and anatomical structure of Asian mint (Mentha asiatica Boriss) growing in Tajikistan


V.A. Sakhratov(1), G.N. Evdokimova(1), T.L. Malkova(2) 1-Tajik National University, 17; Rudaki Ave., Dushanbe 734025, Tajikistan; 2-Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, 2, Polevaya St., Perm 614990, Russia

Introduction. Asian mint (Mentha asiatica Boriss.) is widespread in Tajikistan and is used in folk medicine as an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent. Investigations on the introduction of this plant species into medical practice in Tajikistan is relevant and require a comprehensive study of the plant. Objective: to investigate the morphological and anatomical features of Asian mint herb to establish its diagnostic signs. Material and methods. The investigation object was the Asian mint herb harvested in the Republic of Tajikistan. The Asian mint herb was macroscopically and microscopically examined according to the procedures described in the 14th Edition of the Russian Federation’s State Pharmacopoeia. The anatomical structure of the leaves and stems of the plant was examined using BIOLAM R-14 and Motic microscopes; photos were taken employing the Motic Educator software. Results. The appearance of Asian mint that shows abundant pubescence with bluish-green hairs over the entire plant surface and with a rounded and tetrahedral stem was examined. The anatomical and diagnostic signs required to characterize the identity of Asian mint raw material were established; these were numerous simple hairs on both sides of the leaf; essential oil glandules and large stomata on the lower side of the leaf; the signs were characterized quantitatively and recorded on micrographs. Conclusion. The findings make it possible to significantly analyze the identity of Asian mint herb and can be used in the development of regulatory documents for the introduction of this type of plant raw material into the medical and pharmaceutical practice of the Republic of Tajikistan as an independent drug.

Asian mint
Mentha asiatica Boriss.
morphological and anatomical signs

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