Investigation of the antihistaminic activity of a liquid extract recommended for the topical therapy of eczema


B.A. Imamaliev OOO «Med. Standart» Research Center, 343, Karasaray St., Tashkent 100049, Republic of Uzbekistan

Introduction. Glucocorticosteroids make up the bulk in the topical therapy of eczema today. However, topical steroids have several disadvantages associated with side effects. Therefore, there is a need for the design of the safest phytopreparations and their pharmacological study. Objective: to investigate the antihistaminic activity of a liquid extract recommended for the topical therapy of eczema. Material and methods. The antihistamine activity of the agent was investigated according to the generally accepted procedure based on the model of isolated intestinal spasm induced by histamine. The antihistamine agent gel for external use with diphenhydramine 1% was used as a reference drug. Results. The test agent was established to have a significant antihistaminic activity that was not inferior to that of the reference drug. The test agent blocked almost all the histamine receptors of the isolated intestinal specimen, which indicates that the agent has strong antihistaminic activity. Conclusion. The findings suggest that the liquid extract has a significant antihistaminic activity that is comparable to that of the reference synthetic drug.

liquid extract
antihistaminic activity
histamine-induced spasm

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