Evaluation of the quality and biological activity of the «BioChaga» birch fungus extract

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25419218-2022-02-06

O.N. Usoltseva(1), D.N. Olennikov(2), T.V. Potupchik(3)
1-Limited Liability Company «Sibpribor», St. Trilissera, 87, Irkutsk, 664047, Russian Federation;
2-Federal state budgetary institution of science of the Buryat scientific center, Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, street Casanovas, 8, Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russian Federation;
3-Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Krasnoyarsk state medical University named after Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Partizan Zheleznyak str., 1, Krasnoyarsk, 660022, Russian Federation

Introduction. «BioСhaga» is a natural extract of the birch mushroom chaga, produced according to the author's technology of the Irkutsk company SibPribor LLC under the trademark «Baikal Legend». The high quality of «BioСhaga» is due to the combination of environmentally friendly chaga medicinal plant raw materials rich in biologically active substances of the Baikal region and the unique author's technology of its processing. The result is a fast-soluble «BioСhaga» powder with low density, high biological activity and bioavailability. The purpose of the study: a comprehensive study of the composition and content of BAS, biological activity of the «BioСhaga» extract in connection with the peculiarities of its production technology. Material and methods. To determine the physicochemical properties of «BioСhaga» extract we used the following methods: extraction / gravimetry, spectrophotometry, the qualitative composition was studied using high-performance liquid chromatography. To determine the biological activity of «BioСhaga», the antiradical activity of the extract to organic and inorganic radicals of natural and artificial origin was determined by spectrometry and coulometry. The antioxidant potential was evaluated using spectrophotometry and fluorimetry to determine the total antioxidant potential and the ability to absorb oxygen radicals. The iron-reducing and iron-chelating potential of «BioСhaga» was determined by spectrophotometry. Results. The physico-chemical characteristics of the «BioСhaga» composition had a high level of compounds characteristic of the chaga: low molecular weight phenolic compounds – 57,00±1,48 mg/kg, high molecular weight phenolic compounds (melanin complex) – 24,9±1,2%. The nature of the distribution of fragments of the melanin complex shows a predominant content of o-dioxybenzoyl fragments, which suggests the presence of high biological activity in the «BioСhaga». It has been shown that the «BioСhaga» has antioxidant, antiradical and iron-reducing activity. In addition, the extract has proven to be a good inactivator of nitric oxide molecules, which indicates its anti-inflammatory properties. Conclusion. «BioСhaga» is a highly active natural complex agent characterized as an effective antioxidant created using a unique author's technology. Its high biological activity indicates the effectiveness of the extract and allows it to be recommended as a means of prevention and protection against oxidative stress.

Key words: «BioChaga»
birch mushroom chaga
Inonotus obliquus
production technology
biologically active substance
biologically active additive.

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