Enterosorbents of Russia, the European Union and Arab countries

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25419218-2023-05-04

A.V. Bondarev, E.T. Zhilyakova, M. Riffi
Belgorod State National Research University, Victory str., 85, Belgorod, 308015, Russian Federation

Introduction. Enterosorbents are a group of drugs with sorption-detoxic effect widely used in the world. Currently, in Russia, as in different countries, there is a wide range of drugs assigned to the group of enterosorbents, however, a detailed consideration of this issue shows that there is a limited number of analytical publications devoted to a comparative review of this kind of medicaments. Objective: to overview the registered enterosorbents, pharmaceutical substances for their production in Russia, the European Union and Arab countries, to consider the classification of enterosorbents according to the active substance. Material and methods. Content analysis of official sources of information about medicines, statistical analysis (Excel, 2019), graphical analysis. We reviewed the State Register of Medicines of Russia, the Register of Medicines of the European Union and the registers of medicines of Arab countries (Algeria, Libya and Saudi Arabia). Results. According to the international analysis of enterosorbents, those belong to the A07BA group – charcoal preparations, that are registered in all the countries under consideration, and the A07BC group – the Other intestinal adsorbents, which are, in the countries under consideration represented by 7 active substances: hydrolysis lignin, dioctahedral smectite, colloidal silicon dioxide, povidone, polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate, kaolin and pectin. Conclusion. There are 6 groups of active substances of enterosorbents registered in Russia, the most used is the activated carbon group. There are 6 groups registered in the European Union, two of which are Pectin and Kaolin. Only 3 groups of active substances are registered in Arab countries. The most known of enterosorbents, both in the European Union and in Arab countries, is the Dioctahedral Smectite group.

pharmaceutical market
activated carbon
dioctahedral smectite.

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