The study of the morphology and anatomy of leaves aronia Mitchurinii by various microscopic methods


O.V. Pugacheva, O.V. Trineeva
1Voronezh State University, Universitetskaya pl., 1, Voronezh, 394018, Russian Federation

Introduction. Aronia Mitchurina leaves (Aronia mitschurinii A.K. Skvortsov & Maitul) is a potentially perspective source of biologically active substances such as flavonoids, tannins, anthocyanins, etc. One of the phases of leaf standardization is the determination of the authenticity indicators. Previously, the main anatomical and diagnostic features of Aronia Mitchurina leaves were identified using the optical microscopy. For a more detailed study of the morphological and anatomical features of the leaf structure, the work used luminescence, scanning electron and stereomicroscopy. Objective: To determine the morphological and anatomical structure of Michurina aronia leaves by luminescence, scanning electron and stereomicroscopy. Material and methods. The object of the study was dried to a moisture content of not more than 10% Aronia Mitchurina leaves variety «Mulatka», harvested in the Tambov region during the technical maturity of fruits (August–September 2022). The study of morphological and anatomical features of leaves was performed according to the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation XIV, OFS. «Technique of microscopic and microchemical study of medicinal plant raw materials and herbal medicinal preparations». For stereomicroscopic analysis used Biomed-2 microscope with lenses ×400, ×100 (Russia). Luminescence analysis was carried out with a Nikon ECLIPSE Ni-E/Ni-U microscope (Japan) in ultraviolet (UV) light. The scanning electron microscopy was performed using a JSM-6380LV JEOL (Japan) scanning electron microscope with an INCA 250 microanalysis system. Results. The stereomicroscopic analysis showed that the main diagnostic features of Aronia Mitchurina leaves are long thin trichomes on the lower leaf surface and dark brown glands concentrated along the main vein of the upper surface of the leaf lamina. The characteristic fluorescence features of the studied raw material have been established. Luminescence is characteristic for conductive system and trichomes of the under surface of the leaf. Luminescence of glands and their bases is absent. The structure of stomatal apparatus, trichomes and glands was clarified by scanning microscopy. Conclusion. For the first time, a comprehensive study of the main diagnostic features of Michurina aronia leaves by stereo-, luminescence and scanning electron microscopy was carried out. The structure and features of luminescence of morphological and anatomical structures of leaves were clarified. The carried out researches can be used for express identification of Michurina aronia leaves and will allow to prepare sections «External signs» and «Microscopic signs» for the draft pharmacopoeial article «Michurina aronia leaves».

Michurina aronia
Aronia mitschurinii A.K. Skvortsov & Maitul
black chokeberry
luminescence microscopy
scanning electron microscopy.

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